Well let’s see how good my memory is!
I left Canterbury and decided, as I had a bit of time to spare, I would head out towards the coast and then head for London via the Medway Ports. So it was out towards Herne bay and then onto Whitstable. I fancied some fresh whelks. I suppose I was lucky because at this time of the year, it is easy to get a parking spot right on the Harbour, I had gone towards the Lobster pot end beside the shingle beach and the beach cabins.
Alas it wasn’t open so I went to the fishing harbour and parked up. The weather was blustery but fine and very few people around, quite a few of the oyster sellers where closed though the biggest one was open.

I got my whelks, plenty of pepper and vinegar and walk along the quay taking a few photos of the inshore boats
and the chubby turnstones that waddled along the quayside picking up bits of edible matter. Then taking off and with a grace that belies their rotund stature soar in the stiff breeze.
Alas it wasn’t open so I went to the fishing harbour and parked up. The weather was blustery but fine and very few people around, quite a few of the oyster sellers where closed though the biggest one was open.

I got my whelks, plenty of pepper and vinegar and walk along the quay taking a few photos of the inshore boats
and the chubby turnstones that waddled along the quayside picking up bits of edible matter. Then taking off and with a grace that belies their rotund stature soar in the stiff breeze.
I then headed inland to London via the M2, I had booked a room in Charlton, primarily because it was only a couple of stops on the SE line to London Bridge, this being the best stop for the George and our meet the next day. My hotel/hostel was directly beside Charlton railway station there was parking directly behind, this alas was limited parking 2 hours max and no return within 3 hours, this had not been explained in the advertisement blurb, the nearest free parking was a good 10 min drive in Charlton village. The hostel is very basic, but it was clean and the staff friendly and helpful, but for 40 quid a night what do you expect?
I got myself changed and decided to head into town, to have a look around, I had seen that St Martins was doing Mozart’s Requiem, alas no place at the inn all tickets taken.
I decided to head out towards China Town for a spot of food,
I went to Gerrard's corner got a seat quite easily (this is not always the case)
and ordered a pot of tea, some deep fried soft shelled crab
and a mixed dim sum.
I must say I have always found the food at Gerrard's corner very nice and this time was no exception.
I next had a bit of a wander down to the embankment and took some photographs, the night was crystal clear and the London Skyline colourful.I went to Gerrard's corner got a seat quite easily (this is not always the case)
and ordered a pot of tea, some deep fried soft shelled crab
and a mixed dim sum.
I must say I have always found the food at Gerrard's corner very nice and this time was no exception.
As I had arranged to meet Jason (my son) at 21:00 when he finished work at the George for a couple of pints. I was a little early, the bars where chocker block so I got a pint, told the girl behind the bar to tell Jason I would be out in the yard (also chocker, but at least it was quite a nice evening and the air was fresh outside). When Jason appeared, he said that he fancied going across the road for a pint, this I can understand, he lives above his work had just done a 12 hour shift so I would also want to get “off the job”. We crossed the road to the slug and lettuce, this is one of those places that serve cocktails, now I am a lad from up North and cocktails are ok, BUT on holiday in Majorca. But we had a beer or three as one does and then it was time to head back to Charlton.
I decided to charge up my battery for my camera, that was the first problem! Had forgot my plug converter, but right across the road was a comet and PC world so bought another converter (I must have about 6), took it back to my room, plugged it in and guess what, it discharged my battery, I couldn’t get it to charge, the hostel electric system must have had a short on it.
So no Photos of the meet or the next couple of days. (The photos are from my friend Gill who did take some)I headed into Town and deposited a few things with Jason and went across to Borough Market. I bought a Spanish chorizo from a specialist that was made from Pied a Negro porkers. Cost 20 quid!!! I also bought some game pate (rabbit, grouse and hare), I then headed to the game dealer and bought a wild rabbit, a grouse and the last woodcock in town. It is not every day that you find a woodcock at a game purveyor and I considered myself very lucky.
I decided to head across to the George and ran smack bang into our friend Carol, she said that she was going to Neil’s yard to get some cheese, now Carol was prior to retiring a serious cheese seller to some very big restaurants and she knows her onions (well cheese and onions). She went straight for the very best, I standing beside her also got to taste the cheeses.We then headed across the road to the George bumping into Mamta and Kavey. We were first in, so got the pick of the seats , ordered a pint and had a chat about this and that. The rest of the meet slowly started to arrive, most had been across the road in the market and did come laden with goodies.
We started to order our meals, I had the lamb bone in leg steak with new potatoes, broccoli and mint gravy. Carol ordered the fish platter, we had been joined by Sue, Frank and Catherine. The rest ordered as and when they arrived or felt like ordering.My Lamb was very nice and I enjoyed it, Carol had the fish platter, this consisted of haddock gougons, mussels in cream, smoked salmon, crusty bread and mayonnaise. Sue said her game pie was a little dry, but when she got some of mine (it came in a little pot) she was happy. Some said that their food was a little salty. I passed these comments on to Jason and he said he will take note and taste the food prior to serving and will in future add a small pot of gravy to the pies for those wishing a more liquid pie.
All in all we had a great meet, most enjoyed the food and we shall be having another one soon!I had a most enjoyable afternoon/evening meeting lots of old friends and making some very nice new ones.
We even had entertainment of the highest order as a Morris dance group from Norfolk came into the yard and done their thing, tingling of bells and lot of hey noddy noings. Last year Santas, this yearmen dressed up as women, that reminds me Karneval is just around the corner.
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