Next day 22 Dec, was a visit to the hospital to see Bob (Linda's Dad) he had been put into an isolation ward as the couldn't find what was wrong with him, but he seemed quite perky considering what he had been through. ( He had returned from Lanzerotte, with bug of some description and had very, very serious vomiting and diarrhea).
We also done some food shopping in Sainsbury's, I like Newry it has two compact adjacent shopping centres, the Quays and The Buttery.
Shopping done we headed back to Kilkeel, first filling up with LPG (why is so rare in Ireland, both North and South?).
We had a pleasant surprise, the doctors had decided (the couldn't find any thing) that Linda's father was better off at home so would be released the next day. This was great as we had arranged to pick up our Christmas goose from the other side of Strangford lough Marlfield Farm).
We had purchased our goose from here last year and it was so tasty that we had ordered a one for Christmas dinner this year as well.
We crossed the Lough by the ferry that plies it's trade between Strangford and Portaferry, it is a short trip but on a nice day a very pleasant day, today was clear but cold. If you are ever in Strangford in summer do pop into the Lobster pot and sit in their very pleasant garden and sample the wonderful sea food. This time it was winter, too early and too cold.
We next had a fantastic drive around the shore of the lough, first to Marlfield farm
then to Newton Ards via the snowy lough full of bird life.
Then round to Killinchy ending up at Danny Millars Balloo house for lunch.

I started with a smoked sea food chowder
and Linda had the crab cakes
I next had the Turkey Christmas dinner and Linda the roast belly pork
I finished off with the Christmas pud and boy was I stuffed!!!
A fantastic meal, in a fantastic setting, Danny your food is wonerful, you are a great Ambassador of Irelands food.
After that we headed back to down Patrick and then via Newcastle, Annalong and then to Kilkeel.
Feet up and a bit of tele as we where to pick up Bob the next day, though we did not know what time.
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