
Gills rough spuds and Gordons belly

There had been a nice discussion on the BBC message board about Patatas Bravas and Gill the painter had come up with a menu using them as a back up to Gordon Ramsey  pressed belly pork, it had been mooted around that this Sundays lunch would be slow roast shoulder of lamb, how wrong Moot was!

While shopping at the market on Saturday morning (we needed the freshest of fish for that evenings Sashimi) we also got a slab of pork belly, weighing in at 1.5kg (it still had the bones in so was about the 1.3kg recommended by Gordon.

While I was doing the filigree work on the fish, I had left Linda to try her hand at scoring the pork skin, her knife skills are coming along well, I shall have to watch my back!!!!
scoring the skin

Oiled, salted and put on the garlic with the thyme

Just for our friend Kalle, the Swedish salt

She decided to use a Swedish salt (I did suggest it may taste of beetroot, but that pearl of wisdom fell on stony ground). This was rubbed into the surface making sure that it went into all of the cracks, nooks and crannies, a good sprinkling of fresh ground pepper and a rub of olive oil. I didn’t watch the rest of the procedure, as I had much more pressing work to be getting on with, I didn’t hear any cursing and swearing (is that normal for a GR recipe???) I though she was managing quite well without the benefit of me sticking my oar in.

Basting number one

Basting number two

Out and ready to press

She did keep bobbing up during the evening to go and give it a baste and did once inquire why did she have to put heavy tins on top, I believe I replied in the vein of “because bloody Gordon said so”.

Next morning, while I was writing up my Sashimi blog, she started making her Patatas Bravas.

First making the sauce

Shallots, garlic, chili, smoked paprika.

Then in went the pork for its final roasting

The spuds went in to be finished off and out the came all crispy!

The finished pressed GFs belly pork

And the smokey pugnant spicy sauce.

All served with a nice walnut and eichel blatt salad

It made a nice , no, it made a wonderful lunch time meal!

All I can say is thanks Gill, Gordon and Linda it was a very nice meal

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