
Kieler Woche 2011-Kiel Week 2011

We had a lot to do in the Kiel week, this is a week that takes place every year in the last complete week in June, it is centered around the Kiel Förder, but isn't only about sailing and water (though it does rain quite a bit , but we are now used to it). During this week we also had a bit to do with the renovation and other things around Linda's apartment.

On the Monday we had to get furniture (the minimum that we could live with as the carpet was coming on the Tuesday. So it was only a small table and 2 chairs. Another small table for the TV and that was it.

Tuesday came the carpet with carpet layers and woosh it was in, they had it done in 15 minutes.

We had a bit of shopping to do for lighting and other bits and pieces this was all fixed and fitted. This was after a lot of swearing and re-reading of instructions (they do not follow a logical system)

From then on it was each evening out to see different bands and concerts, we saw Sweet & Slade with out cookery club, this was only until the rains washed us into the cellar (cast) bar of the Opera house; Kalle knows everyone in Kiel so it is never a problem getting in anywhere.

We had a nice meeting with some of Linda’s old comrades, what a nice bunch of people, we even got invited to a wedding (party), I cannot remember for the life of me how I got home and I was not alone.

We also met up with friend for the pop meets classic, Barkley James Harvest and a classical Russian Soprano.

In between we drank wine, ate oysters and just generally had a drunken time, but that is the Kieler Woche!!!

Saturday we had arranged to have breakfast with our friends Marianne and Martin, this was to be at the See Bär, a sea water bathing platform with a restaurant, the weather was sunny (Hurray) and we met the two of them and got some nice seats, to watch the start of the "Windjammer Parade"

We didn't have the normal cold meat breakfast but did diversify quite a bit (except for Martin, he did have the normal cold cuts and cheese).

Linda had an Alsas Flämeküchen

Marianne had the Schwäbishe Wurstsalat

I had Erbseneintopf

and Martin had the normal cold cuts and cheese.
It was all very, very nice we had a couple of Hefeweizen, but I enjoyed mine very much.

The revue of the fleet started and we had the pick of the seats. The sailing ships, barges, yawls, yachts and werries came past either one at a time or in clusters, it was a very nice way to spend a Saturday summers morning.

Waiting for the start

setting the sails of the main vessel a Russian Sail training ship

An old Baltic Sailer now carrying human cargo

The started to come thick and fast now

Heading out into the Förder

And the whole fleet now underway

She couldn't take place as a courts Martial was underway, a young cadet had lost her life falling from the yards while rounding the Horn 

We next went to see Onkle Lukas, this is a fantastic kids play area, they can do anything they want, the silly adult health and safety rules do not apply. The kids under guidance, saw and hammer, they climb and build, they let there fantasies run wild. It was an eye opening experience; I think the UK could take a slice of this and exercise a bit of common sense. What these children brought to fulfillment was an eye opener and having fun at the same time, thumbs up!

They had made a sea

Nimo was there

As were a couple of very strange sea monsters

The Walrus's being manufactured

And what sais the seven seas but a pirate ship, Number was 3zähn, get it 3zähn, oh! forget it.

But I think most of the kids where turning this

Into this

The children had great fun and I didn't see one tear being shed they all mucked in and here are a few  pics to prove it!

But you could make flags and paper and papiermache figures

You could build magic forests

or just slide down a bank.

We had to be moving on, I would have loved to have stayed and played all day but time was pressing.

We next strolled along the Hindenbergdam taking in the "Folksfest" side of the Kieler Woche.

The crowds taking advantage of the nice weather

fish down a shute

Spit roast pork

or a nice piece of roast pork or Leberkäs

May be a beer at the smallest pub in town

We settled for a seafood pasta for Linda and a Brathering Brötchen for me washed down witha nice Grau Burgunder

 Evening we went to the Glow fest , this is when the hot air balloons fill up whilst still tethered and set off their burners in time to music,

Starting filling theballoons with hot air, that is why I am behind them

getting them inflated

and a few more

That about says it all

all aglow, fantastic.

The finish was afirework display, not as big as the Sunday evening one but very impressive all the same
The start of the show

The big bang finale

So that was Kielerwoche 2011 see you next year!!!!

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