
In between footy

This weekend was a bit of a footy weekend, but I did mange to get in a bit of baking and smoking some trout.

The bread was a sourdough/yeast  wheat/ rye flour mixture what is called here in Germany Mischbrot.

500 g of strong (505) bread flour
200 g of rye flour
100 g of  rough ground rye grain (called Scrott in Germany)
2 teaspoons of herbs and spices consisiting of
ground fenchel seed, ground marjorum, a twist of chillies, ground rosemary, cumin and anis all ground to a powder
20g of yeast
12g of dried sauerteig powder
500ml of hand warm water
2 teaspoons of runny honey
heaped tea spoon of salt

Mixed all of the flours together with a desert spoon of the mixed herbs and spices, crumbled 20g (half a block) of yeast into the middle of the flour, added the honey to the water, stired until desolved, then added the sour-dough powder and stired added this to the yeast in the middle pulled some flour over it and waited until it started to bubble (this happened almost immediatly), then pulled all the flour into the pond so as to speak, added the salt and mixed on full power with my hand mixer for about 10 minutes,

 covered and left to double in size, gave it another mix for about 5 minutes and left again for about an hour, turned out onto a floured baking tray, formed into an oval and covered for about 30 minutes (until doubled in size).

Popped into an oven pumped up to full heat (sprayed inside oven with water and put a tray of water in the base to make steam) turned oven down to 220°C and after 10 minutes turned down to 180°C. Baked for 30 minutes, gave it a knock, then removed to a cooling tray.

and some nice crusty bread to go with the smoked fish

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