
Spiced Rabbit, blackpudding and chorrizo stew

This is a one that you can set on low go out and forget about, or turn it up a bit higher and its done in less than an hour.


I saddle of rabbit (or 4 legs if you wish) chopped into 3 pieces

1 ring of Bury black pudding

1 cooking chorrizo

A slice of  juniper cooked smoked belly

1 chilli

6 shallots chopped

3 cloves of garlic chopped

1 yellow or red  pepper

6 small ripe tomatoes

A sprig of  sage

A couple of twigs of rosemary

250 ml of vegetable stock

Glass of dry white wine.

Olive oil for frying

Small sliced and diced root vegetables (carrot, leek, onion, celariac)

Cut the rabbit into 3 or 4 pieces and S&P, slice the  black pudding and chorrizo into bite size pieces, cut the belly into large dice. Crush and finely chop the garlic, dice the shallots, cut the tomatoes into quarters, slice the pepper into slices.

Fry the root veg and place on the base of the roasting tin, place the tivot on top.

Brown the rabbit in a little olive oil in a large frying pan. Remove and transfer to a tivet in a roasting tin.

Fry the belly pork next, then add the shallots, fry until translucent, then add the garlic, chilli, chorrizo and herbs.

Next if you have the rabbit offel (heart, liver, lungs and kidney's) add this along with the black pudding pieces, fry quickly and add to the roasting tin.

Deglaze the pan with the stock and wine, put the sliced peppers and quartered tomatoes into the tin and pour over the liquor.

Cover with foil and put into a slow oven  180°C if your going out or into a one of about 200°-210°C if your staying in and need a quick meal. The food is ready when the meat is falling off the bones (this will depend on how old the rabbit is) This is also a perfect meal for a slow cooker.

Serve with new poatoes and young glazed carrots

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