
Game of the fields, forest and skies

A cock giving the bird a cold shoulder

Mr hare on the look out

For Mrs hare

The deer and the white hart

Just puffing up its breast

Moor Hen just off for a dip

Still a tadge cold

A driven shoot

The first of the day

The first drive (whats that on the right)

Paunching the game before lunch (we did wash our hands)

The second drive and the trailer was getting a bit crowded

The last of the game being paunched just before dusk a good day was had by all.

A nice pair of hares cuddling up

Ready to start (me not him)

The first cut shouldn't be the deepest

But leave your boots on

Peal it off real slow

Now you have the naked torso

It was all a bit of a blur, but the pieces all fit into place

 The hunters (and the cooks) perks